Meeting Date: December 14, 2017
Call to order: 7:00PM
President Norm Singley was unable to attend the meeting. Past-President, Mike Hoyt, opened the meeting with announcing that Jesse Crocker has offered to take on the position as Vice-President and to continue serving as Web Master. This was approved by membership. Congratulations and Thanks Jesse! Jesse stepped up to conduct the meeting.
Membership: Earl Phillips gave the membership numbers and reiterated this will be his last turn as membership coordinator. He asks for someone to train before he steps down. Membership may now be pay through Pay Pal.
Youth Ski Lessons: The first lessons begin in January 10 with Corvallis Public School students. Please call Richard Stone at 642-9648 if you are able to assist. The other dates are tentatively Jan 24- Victor, Jan 30- Darby, Feb 6 -Salmon. Also, donation of ski equipment would be greatly appreciated.
Treasurer: Reine Hilton said combination of savings and checking total $40,500.
Grooming Report: Conditions have been great for a few weeks now. Grooming has been taking place with snowmobiles. Soon there will be enough snow to use the Pisten Bully.
Program: The December potluck meeting was a rocking success. A chance meeting resulted in the perfect pairing between Raptors of the Rockies founder, Kate Davis, and the members of the Bitterroot Cross Country Ski Club. More than once Kate expressed delight in the members’ instantaneous reaction to her endless sense of humor. Laughter ruled during the 90 minute presentation. And, it continued generously during Colleen Powell’s retelling of her episode with rescuing an injured red tail hawk this summer. Without the necessary protection, the hawk’s talons pierced both of Mrs. Powell’s hand. Mrs. Powell and the hawk, now named Simone by Kate, were treated by, suitably named, Dr. Pearce at the Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital. The number of attendees was boosted by members from Bitterroot Audubon who came out to see the four raptors and lively presentation. Thanks bunches Kate, Simon, Simone, Sibley and Owen for the informative and entertaining visit. A special thanks also goes to Kay Fulton for facilitating this presentation.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.